REPUBLICAN White House contender Newt Gingrich’s remark that Palestinians are an “invented” people was apparently aimed at the hawkish Jewish gallery in his attempt to bolster his presidential bid.
The fact that Palestine was never a state does not necessarily make the Palestinians an invented people. If the most learned Mr Gingrich was basing his facts on the 1,300-year Muslim rule of Palestine which ended with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, then the same can be applied to the Israelis who were after all an “Europeanised” people after 2,000-odd years of assimilation with the people of the continent.
One can understand his eagerness to be the next head honcho of the world’s most “democratic democracy”, but he should be reminded that spicing history with fallacies isn’t going to cut ice with voters.
Incidentally, wouldn’t it be wise for Mr Gingrich to look at himself in the mirror and ask himself if he is not part of a society which makes up a nation of invented people?
Isn’t “White America” an invented land occupied by invented people? Don’t the lands Mr Gingrich and his compatriots occupy belong to Native Americans?
For the sake of the American people, it is hoped the learned Republican was not speaking seriously, or God help America if he succeeds.
Yhto Nainif
Courtesy: The Sunday Daily